The Flat Earth Doctrine

Here I will begin to explain some of the concepts of flat earth according to the bible, I will also included some pictures for visual reference. There are many aspects of the flat earth doctrine, and it will be impossible for me to address every single question that may arise on my own. But these verses should be enough to help you question the narrative of the mainstream media.

The first few sections will cover general introductory questions. Then I will break off into specific aspects of each element of the flat earth (such as; the sun, the moon, the firmament, the ice wall, etc..). I will also include some portions of my blog posts that are relevant to these specific explanations.

Here are some of my posts that specifically cover aspects of the flat earth:

  • The Depleting Ozone Layer & The Shield Of The Mighty - Briefly explains the height of the ozone layer in relation to the height of the sun and firmament.

  • The Six Wings Of The Seraphims - Explains how certain layers of the brain relate to the structure of the atmosphere and why the world is modeled in this manner.

  • The Seraphims - Explains the geographic relationship between humans and the stars in conjuction to the layout of the white and grey matter of the brain.

  • The Firmament Upon Their Heads - Explains what the sun and moon are modeled after within the head, including references to alchemical literature.

  • The Dreadful Rings - Explains what the term “wheels” are in reference to within the scriptures, and how this aligns with the true nature of stars in the sky.

  • The Seven “Planets” - Explains in depth what the word “planets” is speaking about within the bible. Including what they are made of, how they relate to stars and “galaxies”, and even why their astronomical symbols are depicted in such a way that aligns with their chemical formation.

Last Updated:

8:30pm November 5th, 2023. Added “Part 1: The Sun / Section 1: Circuits” below & the various blog links above.

Why Would The World Lie About The Size & Shape Of Earth?

This is a very common question amongst individuals who have a childlike adoration for the governments of this world, thinking they can do no wrong toward their people. However, biblically this is simply not the case, as we can see from Romans 3,

God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

The world is always judging the word of God, because the bible is contrary to the beliefs of this world. If you desire to be a believer, you must decide early on if you are going to take the bible as truth (which says every man is a liar), or if you take man’s word as truth, which is the ever-changing science and history of the mainstream media.

A great way to keep power from the people, is to lie and say they are on a spinning small speck of a “planet” in the “universe”, and make them feel extremely insignificant in the grand scheme of “space”. Remember, there is no single individual that is safe from deception, as Revelation 12 clearly states,

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

The whole world is deceived, not some of the world, not exclusively other religions, but every single person. This is why the bible says in Ephesians 6,

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The high places being described here are the governments and rulers who are far above you in power, all working in unison, portraying the idea that they are separate entities, meanwhile they are all part of the game.

Most people do not understand, that in order to even receive a position of power within any government, you must worship a devil. As we can see from Luke 4,

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

So do not be surprised that all the world can be deceived in unison, when a singular spiritual entity can offer all kingdoms of this present world.

What Does The Flat Earth Look Like?

Due to all the persecution that comes along with believing the earth is flat, the common people have trouble grapsing the true concept of the flat earth. From memes and blasphemous media outlets, they attempt to portray an idea that we believe the earth is a disk hurdling through “space”. However, in order to continue, just throw that dumb idea right out the window.

There is only the heaven (sky) and the earth (ground), it is an enclosed system with absolutely nothing on the outside. Even the sheeple believe this concept from their physicists, who say that the “universe” is “expanding into nothing”. So if you believe the so-called universe is expanding into nothingness, then why is it a hard concept to believe that the world itself is simply situated within nothingness?

As the bible says in Job 26,

He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.

To stretch out the north is a way of explaining the formation of the sky, because the sky itself may seem physically empty, but it is not elementally empty. The sky (physical heaven) is filled with elements that make up the air you breathe, the ozone that protects you from the sun, the waters that form the clouds, etc.. but to us it seems empty visibly. The earth is hung upon nothing in a literal sense, meaning there is nothing outside of earth, it is simply only the earth situated in a fixed location.


This is NOT what the Flat Earth looks like, it is an image planted to deceive you with “space”.

Romans 1:21 “because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”

What Verses Show An Enclosed System?

Now when I say the world is an enclosed system, I mean the land itself is a plane (relatively level surface with peaks such as mountains, and dips such as oceans) and the sun, moon, and stars, circle overhead above. The image below shows a representation of this concept, but it is not really a perfect picture, because it is only showing the part of earth we inhabit, and there is more land under ice outside the wall. But for now, it is good enough to give a visual representation.

The entire host of heaven, and the earth itself is enclosed within what people call “a dome”, known as the firmament. We will get to each individual aspect of the flat earth, but for now, let’s read Isaiah 45 which says,

18 For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.

In this verse you can see that the earth and heavens were not created in vain, they were formed to be inhabited by man. It would be a vain creation to have a single perfect ecosystem and then make ten trillion uninhabitable planets just shooting around in space soup. That is dumb, dumb, and more dumb. The “universe” cannot be a biblical system if the bible says clearly in Genesis 2,

1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

Everything is completely made by Genesis 2, nothing else needs to be expanding, nor are more “planets” and “star systems” forming haphazardly in space, it’s all there for good. And notice how every verse always says “earth” and not “earths”, because there is only one place to be occupied.


A simple depiction.

Hosea 4:6 - “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

How Are The Sun, Moon, And Stars Within?

2 Kings 23 says,

And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

In previous blog posts (such as The High Priest) I described what it means to burn incense (sacrifice), which is a spiritual term for the praise given to false gods. In this verse we see the subject being described are the entities that are visible above us, known as the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Due to the lies told within the media, and people believing the earth is a sphere hurdling through “space”, they automatically associate the fundamental elements of earth with these planets. Meaning they believe planets are terrestrial like earth, or at least contain a core of terrestrial matter.

actual image of “planets” via a canon p900 83x zoom camera

However, as I have taught you many times, you need to allow the bible to define all of the language in which you think. If the term “planets” is only used one time in the bible, and is solely associated with the sun, moon, and stars (the high places), it allows you to understand that the earth itself is not a planet at all. The earth is the earth, never once referenced as a planet in the word of God, you were simply programmed by the media to associate all of these things together. Furthermore, the fact that we only see the word “planet” appear once in the bible, means these entities must be referenced under a different name throughout the scriptures, considering they are constantly present and worshipped in the sky above.

When comparing this verse to other scriptures, we see the same references defined in Deuteronomy 4 which says,

19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.

Both Deuteronomy 4, and 2 Kings 23, are describing the same entities from above, and even further proof is the fact that both verses say all the host of heaven. That means the same ‘planets’ referenced in 2 Kings 23, are part of the ‘host of heaven’, the entities that Israel is being warned not to worship. I make this point to further explain what these ‘planets’ represent, and I will utilize the description given at the end of the verse which states, ‘hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven’ This is the same description we see in Genesis 1 which says,

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

All of these verses are covering the subject of the host of heaven, being described as lights above divided to all the nations to give light upon the earth. Completed in Genesis 2 which says,

1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

This means that the term “planets“ is merely a distinction of the type of lights, to differentiate them from the sun, moon, and stars, though they all contain relatively similar properties in the fact that they are described as lights and not terrestrial bodies.



I will split these subjects into parts, each will contain specific sections that cover an aspect of the various categories below.

part 1: the sun

Section 1: Circuits

The sun travels in a circular pathway above the earth, giving light all over the world, and returning to your location at the same time every day within it’s set 24-hour period (depending upon the season). The best way to understand this is to picture a game of “tetherball”. In this game, a ball is connected to a central poll (like the north pole), and travels in a circular orbit around the poll, with it’s greatest diameter of it’s path (it’s farthest distance from the poll), at the beginning. Then as you continue to play, the cord wraps around the poll tighter and tighter until it’s distance from the poll has shrunk to nothing.

This is very similar to the circuit of the sun. Your geographical location determines what time of the year is summer (the most sunlight per day) and winter (the least sunlight per day). For this hypothetical scenario, imagine yourself closer to the south pole (the south pole on a magnetic disk is the outer edge of the disk), with the poll in the image above representing the magnetic north pole. At the start of “the game” (representing one year), the ball (representing the sun), would be directly overhead of your location for the longest period of time due to your location toward the outer edge of the circle (the south pole), which would be the mid-point of summer (the longest, and hottest day of the year). As the game continued (as the year continues), the rope attached to the ball begins to shorten in diameter due to it being wrapped around the poll with each swing. Therefore each circuit (circular orbit around the poll), the ball gets closer and closer to the north section.

Think of each “time” that the ball wraps around the poll above, it counted as a single day, and the rope was long enough for it to make 182.5 circuits until it tightened around the poll. I say 182.5, because each circuit represents a day (the sun traveling all the way around the “court”, or earth), and therefore it would take an additional 182.5 days to return to its original location (182.5 + 182.5 = 365 days in a year). This means that each day that goes by while you are in the south pole (outer edge of the court), the sun gets farther and farther away from you, giving you less light each day. Eventually becoming your winter, due to less heat over your geographical location. This process repeats all the way until the ball (the sun) returns to its original location and again it is the climax of summer for you.

Granted, this is not a perfect example, due to the physics of the tetherball game. For this to be a perfect example, the velocity of the tethered ball would need to decrease proportionately to the radius of the circle to allow for only one full circular orbit around the poll per day. However, the idea itself does create a good image of the path of the sun because, hypothetically, the ball would be traveling at it’s fastest speed from over the outer edge of the court from the initial hit of the game, and decrease in speed over time at it winds itself to the center (from air resistance). This is also true of the sun (somewhat), in that the distance it travels over time is greatest when at the south pole, meaning it has the greatest speed in the southern hemisphere’s summer to travel a larger orbit. Then the speed of the sun (it’s distance over time) decreases as it’s circuit nears the northern magnetic pole. Thus allowing for one full circuit (circular orbit around the middle of the disk, e.i. north pole) per day.

This can be explained through magnetic oscillation, and the elemental properties of the sun over the magnetic disk of the earth, but that is another teaching for another day. I simply wanted to provide this example so you could understand the concept of the sun’s ‘circuits’ (circular path) above the earth. Below I will include some verses that depict this trajectory within the scriptures.

Psalm 19 says,

Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,

Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.

His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

  • As you can see above, these verses provide all the concepts I explained in the example above. The singular tabernacle for the sun is in the sky that is beneath the firmament (“dome”) upon the earth, which symbolically represents the skull (hence the eternal tabernacle being my mind).

  • When the bible uses the term ‘their’, it is referencing “the heavens” which were mentioned in the same chapter (not shown here). The reason it says ‘in them’ he hath set a tabernacle, is because as the sun makes it’s circuit upon the earth, you utilize it’s light to form images within your minds (minds = heavens, and images are formed within them via the brain’s interpretation of light reflecting off objects). Therefore the light of the sun and it’s intrinsic properties to give it’s light (it’s heat) to be utilized by the body (such as in vitamin D production, or sight), as well as by plants in photosynthesis, thus making it’s home in many things.

  • However, one of the main points to take away from these verses, is that the sun itself is doing the traveling, not the earth. The verse states “his going forth is from the end of heaven” (singular, meaning the sky of the earth, the physical manifestation of my mind), which, using our example above, would be depicting the pathway of the sun when it is over it’s southernmost (magnetic) point. This is the sun itself moving in one full circle per day, it is not the earth doing the traveling. Then the bible states that his circuit goes unto the other ends of it, and nothing is hid from his heat, meaning he continues in his circular path each and every day until his route has reach the magnetic north (which takes half of a year, then circuiting his way back to his original location the other half of the year).

This term ‘circuit’ can also be proven with another verse in Ecclesiastes 1 which states,

The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.

The circular path of wind due to pressure systems has a similar trejectory to the circular path of the sun throughout the year, which is why the term circuit is used in both instances.

  • Wind circulates around high and low pressure systems, traveling via a pressure gradient. This can vary depending on the air system at play, but the higher the pressure, the faster the wind. Therefore, if you had a high pressure system with the isobaric locations (or “isobars”, which are those circular lines around pressure systems on weather maps) and the lines were getting closer together as you got further from the center (meaning less circles around the center, and more circles as the distance from the center increases), it would be a similar circuit to the sun. This is because the wind travels in it’s fastest circular path at the highest pressure gradient, from high (lines closer together) to low pressure (lines farther apart).

  • The high in pressure location in this scenario would be like the southern magnetic pole in the example above, and the low pressure would be like the northern magnetic pole in the example above. The highest pressure would cause the winds to whirl about the southern pole very quickly, then decrease in speed toward the lower pressure if it was situated in the north. This is on a small scale typically (multiple pressure gradients throughout the earth at any given time), but serves as an example to the larger circuit of the sun above the earth itself.

This page is under continuous construction and will be updated regularly with more information. Please check back regularly.